
The most impactful way to launch new logistics software

Use our lean startup process with design and development support to turn your innovative ideas into remarkable platforms.

You have a great idea, but you’re missing some of the essential resources to design and build it

Every founder and innovation team has gaps to fill. Some have deep industry expertise and can sell, but they may lack the UX expertise your future customers will demand or they won't buy. Trying to balance it all on your own can be difficult, especially if you don’t have clear plan and process to follow.

Challenges you'll face


  • Understanding regulatory requirements and compliance
  • Defining budget allocation for your MVP
  • Refining at strong GTM strategy
  • Scaling operations over time for the product and your team
  • Balancing strategic vision with daily operational demands
  • Retention strategies to ensure long-term engagement and minimize churn


  • Need design support to craft an impactful user experience
  • Create UI that’s polished without burning your runway
  • You want a high-quality logo and brand to stand up to competitors
  • Publish a website with effective messaging to help you sell
  • Design clickable prototypes for feedback and proof of concept
  • Templates for marketing and sales


  • Don’t know what is the best tech to build on and why
  • Lack of in-house expertise to develop a scalable product
  • Understanding data security measures to handle sensitive logistics data and maintenance
  • Ability to handle complex API integrations and keep them updated
  • Need to create unique onboarding processes for each user type

People / Team

  • Hiring the right people with specialized skills
  • Ability to tap into additional resources as needed
  • Ability to ramp down without impacting morale and sacrificing runway
  • Core Values + Principles alignment to drive your team
  • Onboarding your team into your company vision, strategy
  • Finding advisors to speak into your product and business


  • Need a step-by-step plan to design and build something new
  • Knowing how to make decisions within your budget constraints
  • Trying to prioritize which features to build first and why
  • Establish a continuous feedback loop with customers
  • How to analyze data and analytics to drive roadmap decisions


  • Understanding financial models
  • Creating your pitch deck and story
  • Focusing team on the traction you need to validate the market opportunity
  • Finding the right investors to pitch to

We’re your new software launch team for hire.

Why try to create your own process and challenge of finding the right talent? Let us help you fill in the gaps.

We’ve done this hundreds of times, have the talent you need, and it really works.

Our approach to design and build new software

Launching new software is a different story for every founder and team. We work with you based on your needs and constraints. We guide you through each step and consult with complete honesty.

We want to help you build a business. Not just some cool new app that nobody wants.

Pre-Launch Validation

Brand establishment

Establishing a strong brand identity sets the stage for customer traction and investor interest. It creates a memorable presence and positions your startup as a credible and trustworthy solution.


Prototypes allow you to visually communicate your idea, validate it with potential customers, and gain early traction. Demonstrate your product's potential, attract customer interest, and spark investor curiosity.

Landing page development

A captivating landing page with clear messaging creates customer traction. Showcase your startup's unique selling points, generate leads, and captures potential customer and investor interest.

Tech-Enabled Proof of Concept

Manual processes and tech integration

Combining manual processes with strategic tech integrations helps you showcase your startup's ability to leverage technology for effectiveness. It demonstrates your understanding of scalability and resource optimization, attracting potential customers and investors.

Feasibility testing and user feedback

A tech-enabled proof of concept enables you to gather user feedback and validate your solution's feasibility. This iterative process helps you refine your product, address market needs, and build a loyal customer base. It also provides valuable insights for potential investors, validating your market opportunity.

Launch an MVP

Full-stack development

Developing a fully automated MVP using full-stack technologies showcases your startup's ability to deliver a scalable solution. Get your first customers, respond to customer needs, and capture a larger market share.

Iterative development and launch

The iterative development process helps you continuously improve your MVP based on customer feedback. This drives business growth and customer traction. Launching a product into the market demonstrates your ability to execute, attract customers, and generate revenue. This captures the attention of potential investors.

Packages to help you launch your software

Compare our comprehensive service packages. Each one is designed to support your launch and find the perfect fit for your current needs.

Visualize Your Idea

Starting at $17,400

2 Weeks

Get essential visual assets to help you raise investment and materialize your vision.

  • Visual Direction / UI Mock Ups
  • Hero Screens
  • Clickable Prototype

Validate with Prototypes

Starting at $36,400

4 Weeks

Get your first customers by selling with a clickable prototype and essential marketing and sales assets.

  • Naming Workshop
  • Branding
  • Visual Direction
  • Landing Page
  • Hero Screens
  • App Map Flow
  • Clickable Prototype
  • Customer Interviews
  • MVP Roadmap / MSCW
  • Letters of Intent
  • Pitch Deck Template

Launch a Full MVP

Starting at $85,000

8+ Weeks

Get everything you need to launch the first functional version of your software to the market.

  • Naming Workshop
  • Branding
  • Visual Direction
  • Landing Page
  • Hero Screens
  • App Map Flow
  • Clickable Prototype
  • Customer Interviews
  • MVP Roadmap / MSCW
  • Letters of Intent
  • Pitch Deck Template
  • Production Ready MVP
Client Testimonial

The Intermode experience

"Intermode follows a process that makes it more cost-effective in the long run. If you want to launch something in an amazing way, align yourself with a talented group that has the passion Intermode has."

Kelly Williams

Network Strategy Product Lead

We stand behind our team, our processes, and the out-sized value we can bring you.

If you don’t think Intermode is the right partner to get you where you need to go within the first 45 days of the project, invoke the guarantee and you’ll be refunded 50% of your investment to date.

No questions asked. You keep everything we’ve created to date.

Let's Work Together

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Book time with us to see in-depth case studies and learn more about why companies love to partner with Intermode for design and development.